Transportation Department
Phone: (931)-296-3224
Transporting these students five days a week, nine months a year, regardless of the weather-and doing it in a safe and economic fashion-is a major responsibility assumed by the Humphreys County Board of Education. As a result of this responsibility, the following policies should guide the organization and operation of the Humphrey's County Transportation Department.
Bus Riders
Riding the school bus is a privilege and students are expected to follow bus rules and school rules. If a student’s behavior becomes a distraction to the driver or impedes the safety of others, that privilege will be taken away. Bus changes during the school day by calling the school WILL NOT be allowed this year. Students need to ride the same bus every day or you may call, or send a note to the teacher for them to be a pick-up.
Tardy Pick Up
All students that are not picked up by 3:20 will be taken to the school office and a parent or guardian must come into the office and sign the student out. If tardy pick-up becomes a continual occurrence, then a conference will be set up with the principal or the assistant principal
Bus Routes
Bus Drivers